Finally in Kindergarten! - Summer/Fall, 2021
You heard right. I'm officially in Kindergarten! I've been waiting my whole life for this. As it turns out, I am a wizard at math! I have been impressing mom with my double digit addition! I'm good at writing my letters too. I practice in my own journal, that I keep securely hidden under my pillow. You can never be too careful around here.
In other news, I just realized that people are saying "Paw Patrol", not popsicle. It's actually quite a big difference if you think about it. And would you believe, it's not "duck eggs", it's "decades". Man, the stuff you learn when you're almost 6.
I have been talking about being a policeman since I was 3. Recently, I've been asking Mom really intelligent questions about logistics, like... how do I start, how old I have to be, and most importantly, does it hurt to get sprayed with mace? After learning about September 11th, I am even more convinced that I never want to be a bad guy, and I want to save people. Mom says, of all the people she knows, she can't imagine anyone more fit, and that I am calm, fair, peaceable, level-headed, and courageous, and that I would make the world a better place.
I rocked my second season of soccer MVP. Coach shane said I have an amazing understanding of the game and the field, and that my awareness, positioning, and spacing is "beyond my years", and that I'm going to have a "very promising career". I'm looking at you, Ronaldo.
But even heroes have down time. I was in in the pool with mom and siblings All... Summer... Long... Life is good, baby, even when it's not. See for yourself!
What have I been saying lately? Oh, I'm glad you asked!
Hunter: "Oh, Heidi, I can hold your sucker for you while mommy helps you feel better. I won't eat it. I'll just keep it safe in my mouth." 12/20
Hunter: "I love soccer. Because when you get home from soccer practice, you get to smell the sweat on your face and it smells good." 9/20
Hunter: "This plum is for you. I took a bunch of bites of it, all over, so I could make sure it was delicious... And it is." 9/20
Hunter: "You are the best singer I have ever heard. You should go sing all over the place... like even on a stage." 10/20
Hunter: "Dont be mean to girls. Girls are sweet. Even though they dont have muscles, they're still special." 9/20
Hunter: "You're the best mommy I've ever seen. You're even better than Sunday." 2/18/21
Hunter: "He has a tiny, tiny hand... I hope has another one to match." 3/27/20
Hunter: "Heidi, if you have thorns on your feet, I will take them off and carry you, ok?" 4/2/20
Hunter: "I love you as much as satan hates Jesus." 9/20
Hunter: "When you were a kid, how did you take the internet off your phone?"6/3/21
Hunter: "Sometimes I like to hold your face and look at you." 9/20
Hunter: "I have a passion for apple juice." 2/22/21
Hunter: "What :30 is it?" (Kept asking what time it was so he could go to his first baseball game ever. 4/5/21
Hunter: "Are those shorts, or pants that don't fit you?" (Caden's baseball pants) 4/6/21
Hunter: (Listening to Ed Sheeran lyrics in car) "Yeah mom I do love your hair like that, and you do look beautiful in that dress." 5/4/21
Mommy: "Thanks for being so wonderful, you guys.
Hunter: "Well, you can just thank God." 8/6/21
Hunter: "I'll never not keep giving you love. Even in the middle of the night, I'll just wake you up and hug you." 8/26/21
Hunter: "Can I have one of those, even though I have no idea what they are?" 2/13/22
Hunter: ""Mommy, your banana bread is ooh la la!" 3/7/22
Hunter: "Mom, what side of the world do you think was made first?" 3/9/22
Fall / Winter, 2020
Smiles for days!
Have you heard? I'm in Pre-K 4! My first official year of school! That really just means that 2 days a week, I go spend a couple hours with some babies. Don't they know I am keeping up with my older brothers over here? But it's actually ok, because my whole class is almost entirely boys, including my very own cousin, Bleu. We're best buds!
I'm not too interested in girls, except for one. Have you heard that I am in love with my Mommy? It's true. Here are some of the things I have been saying to her lately. You other dudes better take notes...
Hunter: I'm gonna tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a boy named hunter and he had the best at mom In the whole world. The end. 8/2/20
Hunter: "Girls that look like mommy are soooooo cute." 11/17/19
Hunter: "Mom, want to know why I always watch you when you walk out of my room? Because I love you, that's why." 11/19
Hunter: (singing silent night) "Mommy when you sing that song I know I love you and I want you to keep singing forever. Sing that again every day ok?" 12/19
Hunter: "I'm gonna knock your head off with love.... do you hear that? Your head is on the floor, by the way." 8/20
Hunter: "You look like a princess. Except you're the queen." 8/20
Hunter: "I love you more than astronauts love the moon." 8/28/20
Hunter: "I love it when I pick you dandelions."
Hunter: "You're such a cute little mommy." 8/29/20
Hunter: "I love you more than toys... a real bomb... and fireworks" 9/20
Hunter: "Wait mommy, come snuggle with me for a little bit. You deserve this... Does this make Jesus happy? Do you think he's going 'awwww' right now? Are those happy tears?" 6/17/20
Hunter: "It would really help me if you sang this song forever." 6/30/20
Hunter: "You're the best mom who's ever been made."
Hunter: "Every time you have a dream, dream about me."
Hunter: "Come here. I'll give you all my love... except... I cant give you all of it, or I won't have any left."
Mommy: M. "Well, how about you can give me all your love today, and then all your love again tomorrow."
Hunter: H. Well, people keep taking it and I'm running out. 7/20
Hunter: I'm going to be a grandpa the same exact time you turn into a grandma, so well always be together. 7/20
Hunter: You're going to be the queen of my castle when I'm a king. I love you so much. I don't know where Jesus even found you... I'm serious.
Hunter: The tears are about to fall down from my eyes. Plus, I said a prayer for you. You're mine, mine, mine.
See? That's how you do it. If you love your mommy, you gotta tell her.
In other news, I am a pro at skiing. I got my elite athlete gene from my grandpa and I'm putting it to use. I don't even have to put on the breaks. I just start at the top of the mountain and take a straight line to the bottom at 275 miles per hour. It's awesome!
I also spend my time playing and protecting my little sister. I don't know why people get annoyed by siblings. Heidi is my best friend. I always watch her back. It's what superheroes like me do!
Sweet Little Baby Man - Summer & Fall, 2019
If you haven't heard, I'm a wild Idaho man. I spent the whole summer exploring everything there is to see around here. Turns out, I thrive on either side of the Mississippi. I have been watching my older brothers play soccer, and waiting for the people in charge around here, to see that I have super skills that the coaches would love to have. I am the epitome of a real man, for those of you who haven't seen one in a while. I'm strong and smart, and I protect the ladies.
From the mouth of this babe:
Hunter: "Want to see my dead gum?" 5/19
Hunter: "Those 2 cookies gon hurt your tummy... Give me one." 6/2/19
Hunter: (With dismay) "I tried to breathe fire last night but it not come out." 6/19
Hunter: "I no toot. You no hear that." 6/19
Hunter: "Don't say, 'that my treat', say, 'you want bite?' And I say 'yeah'." 6/7/19
Hunter: "I super know where that goes." 6/22/19
Hunter: "If you eat that sound, then it will be gross." 6/23/19
Hunter: "Now I'm gonna go to outerspace. But I'll be right back." 8/22/19
Hunter: "I 'thirty-ten' and I so strong."8/19
Mommy: "Hunter, why didn't you get dressed?"
Hunter: "Well, I just didn't want to. Sometimes people do, sometimes them don't." 9/19
Hunter: "I pushed the wind button and it started blowing." 9/19
Mommy: "Someone left their football outside."
Hunter: "With a foot IN it?" 9/19
Hunter: "Come on, cute little Mommy..."
Hunter: "My mouth is bigger than a whole lot of people stacked on top of each other." 12/12/19
Hunter: "Mom, know what that smell is?"
Hunter: "My butt tooting."
Hunter: "When I will be old, I will be so excited to be a grandpa! Like my grandpa!" 1/20/20
Hunter: "Wherever I look, there's sunshine." 8/4/20
Hunter: "What do deer say in Spanish?"
Dad: "How was the doctor?"
Hunter: "I dont know what that tiny man trying to do to me!" 11/16/19
Hunter: "Close the door. The cold air has satan and the bad guys in it." 1/15/2020
Perfect as Puddin - Spring, 2019
My mom says I'm sweet as sugar. I say I'm just perceptive.
For instance, after rushing ahead of Mommy to forge my way to the toy room, I stop suddenly and say, "Oh, I'm sorry. You want be leader? You can be leader all day. "I always use my manners. I always always hold the door for Mommy wherever we go. By myself. It annoys me when other people try to hold the door. It's my job!
I just know how other people are feeling, that's all. That's why I take really good care of all my animals, my baby, and my real baby sister, Heidi. I always say, "She sooooo cuuuuute," and let her ride my 4-wheeler through the living room with me.
Unsurprisingly, I also work really, really hard. Every day I load my big blue wagon with boxes, because you know, I'm a box truck man, and I wheel it around doing very important things. I have adult-like appreciation of delayed gratification. When I earn treats for taking a good nap, helping Mommy, or pooping (I know, best life ever), I always like to set my treat next to my plate at the dinner table, not to open it, just to look at it and know it's mine.
Kindness, hard work, and patience. Those are the keys to the universe. I can't believe it takes people their whole lives to figure it out. I've known it all my life. That's why you can often hear me saying, "Best. Day. Ewerrrr!"
Here's what else I have been saying lately:
Hunter (singing to the tune of Ode to Joy): "Mommy, can you read me this book?"
Mommy: "The lawn was mowed. Doesn't it look nice?"
Hunter: Yeah, but I no like when he roll on that grass. The grass say, 'Hey, get off our body!'"
Look at me! I'm three! January, 2019
I am a manly boy. That's why I know the distinct differences between a backhoe, front loader, dump truck, flatbed, and bulldozer. But I'm also a nice guy with a really good sense of humor. I especially like looking flabbergasted and saying, "Whaaaaaaaa heck????" or "What in the worrrrrrrrrrlll?" or "You want see dis? You got see dis...." I also like sipping on carbonated apple cider and saying, "Mommy, this too hot for you. You wan try this?"
I've added addition to my skill set and I am currently working on writing my letters. Not to toot my own toots, but I must say, I am amazing at writing letter H by myself. Probably because it's the best letter ever invented.
I like ice cream, beenanas, and doing things all by myself. I also like pointing to people when we're out in public and announcing if they are nice, or not nice. When people tell me something that I couldn't possibly have known, I chuckle and say, "Oh! I werdot!
I have been listening to Pentatonix Drummer Boy all... winter... long. It's my favorite. I also like hiding in Mom's closet and say "Gobble gobble" until she finds me and tickles me. She falls for it every time, I tell you.
Anyway, if you didn't know it already, I'm just a cool dude, bro. I go along with anything. Go to the park? I'm there. Play in the mud in the garden? You got it. Read a book? Also my favorite. As true as my dimples and eyes of blue, I am a no-drama dude. That's why I have smiles for days.
Hunter: "Mom, remember you're a backhoe girl and I'm a box truck driver."
Hunter: "Ma ha ha... I say that to bad guys."
Mommy: "You need to go potty?"
Hunter: "No, poop at my birthday. One more month."
Hunter: "Oh, what's that smell I hear?"
Hunter: "I hear that rain last night."
Mommy: "Yeah, I like sleeping in the rain."
Hunter: "I do not."
Mommy: "You don't?"
Hunter: "No. My shoes get wet, my shirt get wet, my pants get wet..."
Mommy: "I mean we sleep in the house when it's raining outside."
Hunter: "Not with my shoes on..."
Hunter: "Wanna see me pass this out? I'm the basketball man." (whenever shooting or passing)
Hunter: "Bad guys don't need shoes."
Big Dreams Little Man - Fall, 2018
On September 18th, I caught my first fish at the park in Collierville. I know, I know, I'm only two years old. But some 2-yr-olds are just destined for greatness. That's why I also broke the record for youngest Helmer to learn to ride a bike. Recently, I also decided that I am going to be a box truck man, backhoe man, a restaurant man, and a doctor man.
I've been accompanying my lady, 'Miss Mommy' to my older brothers' soccer games just awaiting the day that people finally figure out that I can play with the big boys too. Just check out my soccer skills from last fall.
This fall, my grain is growing at light speed and I am really figuring out this big wide world. Especially the important things, like... it's always ok to laugh about it.
Hunter: "Mommy, me have popsicle?"
Mommy: "Nah."
Hunter: "Mom, know what?"
Mommy: "What?"
Hunter: "Dad say me have popsicle."
Hunter: "Silly goofball basketball head, Mommy!"
Hunter: (while Mommy was singing Fall Back in Love) "No, that one make me cry lot. Play Wheels on Bus."
Hunter: "Silly goofball me!"
Hunter: "Me make me laugh."
I Can Swim! - Summer, 2018
My mom thinks I sound like a teenager with my deep voice and succinct choice of words. I save time for everyone with commands like, "snack mouth now", "juice mouth, pease", "daddy truck home now", and "Restaurant dinner!". Why waste precious time with words that don't help a hungry, growing boy?!
Also, one day, I could count to 3, and then the next day, I could count to 10! You gotta keep up around here! That's what I've been doing since I could walk. I keep up right along with my big brothers, who won't be bigger than me for long, if I have it my way. I can hold my own on the trampoline, in the garden, and tumbling down the hill in the wagon. Also, I learned how to swim! My personal style is bicycle legs and long arms.
If I can see it, I can do it. So, as you can imagine, I am learning a lot of sweet tricks from watching my bros.
Mommy: "You love your mama?"
Hunter: "Yeah. Big lot."
To the Beach, Baby! - Spring, 2018
This spring, we have also been doing lots of digging in the dirt and planting in the garden. Daddy has been taking me on lots of 4-wheeler rides, and he got some ducks to go with the chickens! Also, I'm talking up a storm, and I'm loads of fun to tickle! I also like to put Mommy to sleep, tucking her in all nice with a pillow and blanket, and sing her a song with my lovely alto. Then, when I'm sure she's asleep, I tiptoe over to her, and then attack! I can't believe I've done it so many times and she still never sees it coming.
I decided to take Mommy to Pensacola for Mother's Day, since she's been such a good girl. I know, I'm all the gift she needs, but to be honest, I had as much fun as she did! This was my second trip, and I think I'm becoming a pro at this beach thing. Can you see all the sandy Helmer love?
This time, Grandma and Grandpa came along too, so I got to hang out with my pal, Grandma as much as possible. Don't tell her, but I kinda' like her. She's pretty good at digging in the sand. I taught her everything I know. See for yourself!
I'm 2! January, 2018
It's the day before my second birthday, and here I am getting my first official haircut. Daddy lovingly sits me down, all the while saying nice things to me and brushing my hair. What could possibly go wrong? Oh, you have no idea how wrong it's going to get. Not only was daddy chopping off my magical golden curls, but tiny pieces were falling into my eyes, silently mocking my toddler sadness.
Fortunately, I got to celebrate my birthday after that, which of course, meant stuffing my face with cake. And you know, with my new haircut, I've been told I look like a mix of Brad Pitt & Chris Hemsworth. Ha! They wish! I am the original Thor.
The other amazing thing that happened this winter is my new little sister. She's the only person smaller than me, and fortunately, I knew just what to do with her the moment I met her. First, my face lit up like it was Christmas. Next, I took her in my arms, then I kissed her, then I rocked her softly. What could be easier? Now I keep a steady stream of hugs and pounding knuckles. I hand her blankets and say, "Heewee oohwee oohwee!" Translation = "Here you go". Welcome to my world, Heidi.
Also, this winter it snowed, so naturally, we took a ride on an intertube behind the 4-wheeler! See all the adventuresome goodness here!
American Baby - Summer '17

Who're you callin' baby? I'm 18 months old! I know probably 100 words! You'd be surprised at how many sound like bah-bah, though. Bottle, diaper, flower, and so forth. My favorite word to say, though, is Dada, hands down. I've also been enjoying saying "hot" every time I go outside.
I'm soft and squishy and wiggly and snuggly, which is why I am so understanding when people want to hug and tickle me. Sometimes a boy needs his sleep, though. Like the other night when Mommy was singing to me and rubbing my head after she laid me in bed. I put my left thumb in my mouth, turned my head, and waved goodbye to Mommy. Sometimes she needs more than a hint.
Despite all my delicious squishiness, however, my calves and little baby thighs are solid concrete. They have to be to carry this head and belly around. Plus, trekking up that hill in the backyard is no small feat. That's why it's so nice to rest in a chair that actually fits my body instead of these giants around here. The Ninja Turtle chair is my favorite. Ahhh, it's the life. Recently, I realized that I have 2 speeds: fast and faster. I run all over the house, padding my thick little feet beneath me and dare anyone to catch me.
Oh, have you seen the liquid sunshine of my buttery, golden locks? I'm like the... Lockness Mister. I can't help it. I might share my knack for good looks too, because I'm going to be a big brother! You heard right. My little SISTER, Heidi will be joining the H generation right before my next birthday. I've already sat on her, so I feel like I've known her forever.
In other news, the greatest day of my entire life happened. Are you ready for this? Daddy let me mow the lawn with him! Just me and him. Mano y mano. I never knew life could be so good.
Here are the best moments of summer, set to magical music, starring yours truly!
On the Move! - Spring 2017

My experience on planet earth so far has been heavenly. I'm pretty sure I have the best family ever and that's why I am always smiling, despite the fact that being the 3rd kid has pros and cons.
- Not a single piece of clothing I am wearing is actually mine. It all has someone else's puke stains or skidmarks.
- Mom and Dad's attention is divided between 3 pretty awesome little dudes. It's a good thing I'm not high maintenance.
- I get treats that I guarantee neither of my bros would have gotten at this age - full size popsicles, ice cream cones, fruit snacks, you name it.
- I am surrounded by constant love and protection. Nobody, and I mean nobody messes with me when my big brothers are around.
This spring has been a wild adventure. From camping in Mississipi to hiking in the Helmer Forests, to discovering the beach for the first time in my life. If you haven't been, I can tell you it's astonishing. Life is good, baby. Life is really good. Plus, now I'm really walking like a pro, so I can take it all in firsthand. I think I've mastered the look of being completely enveloped in absolute joy. You be the judge!
1.6.17 - Triple H Turns Single Digit!

Brace yourselves... I am ONE!!! On my momentus day, I was surrounded by people who love me. I opened lots and lots of presents, but the best moment was when Mommy handed me a cupcake. I kept looking around to see if there was a catch. But there WASN'T! Hoo boy, I know what I like!
I'd like to personally thank everyone who helped me get this far: my teeth, my tummy, my Daddy, my tough big brothers who have spent the last year loving me so hard it hurts, and of course my Mommy.
I finally started walking for real. Hey, go easy on me. Have you seen the size of my noggin? It takes a lot to carry that around plus my belly. It makes a guy top heavy. Plus, any time I bed over to pick something up, I have to put one arm behind me so I don't topple forward. It's my ballast. Like any boyish boy, I love to spot any and every ball around the house or yard, and gravitate toward it. I am also one of the first in my Helmer generation to suck my thumb. Specifically my left. Yep, I may have inherited the gene from my great Grandma Griggs and my Uncle Dan.
Aside from that, I am still just lovable, laughable, huggable, and cute. My most astonishing feature besides my cloudless-blue eyes? My smile. it literally takes people's breath away. I thought an older lady was going to have a stroke when she passed by me at the store the other day.
I'm learning fast and soaking in all the good and bad from my big brothers. Circle of life, baby. I can understand so much too! When Mommy and Daddy tell me to throw something in the garbage, in recycling, or in the laundry basket, I hop right up and do it with a smile. I LOVE doing things I'm told. Hey, maybe my big brothers can learn a little something from me...
7.6.16 - The Happiest Baby on Earth!

Come one, come all to the one and only Happy Hunter Show! That's right, I am always happy! I mean, really, really, really happy. Even if I'm really hungry or tired, I am known to laugh at the same time that I fuss. It's like I'm saying, "Yeah, this is really funny... But seriously... get me some food."
Because I have such a happy spirit, I share it with as many people as I possibly can. Just being near me makes people happier - friends, family, and complete strangers. I'm just a chill baby. I might be a surfer when I grow up. Or maybe a snowboarder, or a Peace Corps volunteer. Either way, I like to see life through rose colored glasses, because there's no doubt about it... life is good, my friends.
Aside from that, I have just been developing my cat-like agility and lightning-fast reflexes: rolling, wriggling, grabbing my toes, and snatching things out of people's hands before they know what happened. Everything I touch goes in my mouth, so I can only hope it's tasty. When I finally get teeth, things are going to get pretty epic around here.
5.13.16 - Happy Days

Well, hello. A lot has happened in the last four months and I have been taking it all in with a front row seat. In fact, I am always, always watching, and my brain sucks everything up to store and use later. I am extremely alert, and if I could talk, I would tell you every detail of what I've seen in this soap opera life. But until then, your secrets are safe with me.
I am a super chill baby. I just sit back and observe. Then, suddenly, at 20 past the hour when it's time for nap. I give a little fuss and I find myself in my crib. Life is so easy!
Anyway, if you're looking for some one-on-one attention, I can gaze lovingly into your eyes. I can also read your thoughts. Most the time, people are thinking about how adorable I am, which makes me turn my head and blush my chubby cheeks.
Oh yeah, and recently my thumb found its way into my mouth and I decided I kinda' like it there. Sometimes, I suck my thumb sideways, gangsta style, and sometimes I do it with an open palm like I'm making faces at people. The details aren't important. All that matters is that it's my left thumb.
Also, I've put on a little weight. Remember that little guy that was born last January? Well, I ate him. Are you interested in my weight gain program? Check out my sponsor.
1.6.16 - Nice shot

Ladies and gentleman, I have arrived. Planet earth is just as awesome as I hoped it would be. Perhaps you heard that my due date was originally slated for January 30th, but I just couldn't wait that long. I have things to do! I figured, if my mommy was born on the 6th, and my big brother was born on the 6th, then I could be too. Plus, one-six-one-six has a really nice ring to it.
So far, my big brothers are taking really good care of me. Caden is my protector and always has my back. Carter loves me soooooo much it almost hurts. I can tell I'm going to be in good hands until I'm old enough to learn mixed martial arts.
When I nailed my landing here on planet earth, everyone was amazed that I didn't cry when I was born. Not even a peep. I just looked around, checked out my new scene, heard Mommy and Daddy's voice, and thought, Oh yeah, everything is all right. I'm still a chill dude too. In fact, I only cry if mommy touches my bare skin with her ice cold, wintry fingertips. That should be illegal. I can't wait until she outgrows that phase.
I started sleeping through the night at only a week old (you're welcome, Mom) and so far, as my parents can tell you, I'm a perfect. adorable. little. baby. The end.
12.1.15 - Hello From the Other Side

I'm a tough baby. In fact, when Mommy was on bed rest because the magnitude of my existence almost couldn't be harnessed, the doctor said I was so tough I was going to be a bodyguard to the president one day. I thought, why such low expectations, doc? I'm going to BE the president one day.
As you can see from my ultrasound (which is a violation of my privacy, by the way) I am a happy little boy. It almost looks like I'm smiling, right? Well, with a family like mine, you'd be smiling too. I can't wait to join the party.
Anyway, stay tuned. I'm going to be here before you know it. In the meantime, stay calm and try not to poop your pants.